Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Switch-over for Video-Casts

For SSTV, web-meetings and other I fixed my background problem 🙂

Probably I am suffering from the same issue that we all experience these days: many presence meetings have had to convert into web-meetings and take place virtually. But having a web-meeting from the shack, or the “atelier” may be difficult each time: you’re in the middle of something, and the project is just about… you maybe know that?!

And even… if the shack is relatively tidy and in good shape, it may not look like that to a video-stranger. Apart from this, “Corona home-office” may be the next challenge. Compare the two screen-shots below:

Well, how to help the situation? There is help available from a leading Swedish home supplies shop, and you probably know whom I refer to. A quick visit and some 20 minutes of homework led to this outcome:

What does this look like behind the scenes?
Check the snapshots below which tell more than a thousand words.

73 de Andreas.

Looks quite good, doesn’t it? In case you have an idea on how to improve, please let me know!