Wed. Jan 15th, 2025

Over time, there are more and mroe web-projects which I got involved in. I learned how to work well with Joomla, Typo3 and WordPress, and there are few projects that keep me going. For most of the sites I’m the responsable web-master running virtual root servers on German premises.

Below is some list which may not be quite complete 🙂

Tüftel-Treff” is the latest of my real-world and web-projects. “Tüfteln” translates into “tinkering”, which is a quite positive thing for Southern German Swabish people (“Schwaben“) to do.
“Tüftel-Treff” is an acitivity where a few radio amateur enthusiasts and myself organize happenings with young children to learn about electronics and have a fun afternoon with solder and smoke, building kits and enjowing the outcome. The concept is to spend an afternoon and have something to take everything built up home afterwards.
Right now, we do this with Ulm’s communcal youth organization. They have rooms, contacts to parents, and thereby all happenings so far have been fully booked always.
Great fun and pelasure!
Together with a few nice ex-colleagues from work I started an initiative to preserve local technical heritage in the form of products and prototypes developed by high-tech companies in my local area. I live in Schwaben (engl. Suevia), and the club got called Schwaben Technologie Park (STeP). Joomla
Because we have no place for a fixed exhibition, there is a virtual online museum which documents many of our museum articles. There are a lot of images, additional documentation and technical witness reports, also on youtube, lined to our STeP Virtuelles Museum.Joomla
My local chanpter of the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC) is Ulm, and its shorthand abbreviation is P14. Together with a fellow ham, we’re having an active web presence with all types of material from club events at
One of my favourite ham bands is short-wave (HF), and some time ago I stumbled over FreeDV as a mode for transmissing digital voice. In 2020 there were not so many hams around using that mode, and in order to learn more and create a German community, the DARC supported to establish HamGroups. I got in charge of the HamGroup FreeDV and established a web-presence to organize ourselves and our meeting minutes and proceedings.WordPress
In order to offer an overview of Ulm ham radio activities, there is a small web-site
With another group of fellow hams we started looking into Hamnet and AREDN for local use and also emergency application in 2022. In order to facilitate shared learning and information gathering, there is
Every now and then I also publish to
Project in development (let’s see what it’ll be like one day)